Partnership for Social Accountability Alliance

Strengthening Social Accountability and Oversight in Health and Agriculture in Southern Africa

Water Pump at Local Clinic Installed in Response to Mothers’ Group Advocacy 

A photo showing a green water tower against a blue sky with fluffy white clouds

The water tower at the Nalolo district clinic

Following social accountability monitoring training by the PSA Alliance project, a mothers’ support group in Nalolo district, Zambia, has successfully secured government commitment to provide a water pump at their local clinic’s mothers’ shelter.  

The women’s group, represented by smallholder farmer Ms. Concillia Mumbela and CAC vice secretary Mr. Ngenda Sitali, met with Nalolo district Councillor Muwela to lobby him to engage local government to install a water pump at the clinic for the mother’s shelter. During the meeting, the women indicated that water was a huge challenge at the clinic, and the continued lack of water compromises the quality of service available. 

Councillor Muwela presented the issue to the District Council, suggesting that the Constituency Development Fund be used to pipe water to the clinic. The District Council then approved the funds to install a water pump at the clinic.